Saturday, June 17, 2006
OMG Kingdom Hearts 2 is amazing. It is damn fun n the new combat system n tag attacks make it so much more impressive.For example when Auron( FFx) joins your party in the underworld mission during the hercules lvl, u can do the ' Bushido' combo wif him. All u gotta do is stand close 2 him n press the triangle button when prompted n u will be controlling auron for a while. u can do his scarlet stryke move 4 times n finish it off with the bushido blade where u n auron both combine weapons and a tornado is created. N now there r things called reaction commands which really spice up boss battles. i cant really explain these u ppl will have 2 see it urselves. maybe check ign or gamespots for some vids... But after playing it 4 a while, i understand KH u guys should try it one day 2!ME
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